måndag 21 september 2009


Jag: Don´t forget that you´re spending the weekend at your dad´s next week.

Son: Not going to happen.

Jag: Yep, it most certainly will.

Son: In your dreams.

Jag: I´ll confiscate your keys if I have to.

Son: I´m not going.

*Jag får en snilleblixt och tar till de stora kanonerna*

Jag: I intend to have sex everywhere in the appartment that weekend.

Seriously... you don´t belive that, do you....?

Jag: *blänger*

2 kommentarer:

Ullis sa...

troligare du än han! *asg*

~Sol~ sa...

Han är en satunge. *grrrrr*
